Donate to Horse Heritage Conservancy (HHC)
HHC is an all-volunteer organization that contributes 100% of donations received to our cause.
Ways You Can Contribute
Cash Donations
Your cash donations will be used to directly fund maintenance, improvements and efforts to further develop and expand public equestrian facilities within the Twin Oaks Valley. Whether it’s the horse park, trails, signage around the valley, or footing for the arena, cash donations directly fund our efforts in these areas.
Land and Easements
Our trails system provides a safe and serene place for both nature and horse lovers to set out and explore our amazing valley, but we are continually challenged with access gaps due to land constraints. Land donations offer an excellent tax write off to the giver with the assurance that your property will be converted to open space for trails and passive recreational use in perpetuity, NOT development. Easements are a wonderful way to share your property with the community while recognizing a tax benefit and current California liability laws protect landowners who provide easements for these purposes.
As a volunteer driven organization we love all our volunteers! We welcome you to join us at our monthly TOVEA meetings to learn how you can help out. We hold a number of events each year, and they take a lot of work to pull together. We also love to bring new perspectives and talent onto our boards, which renew yearly.
Other Donations
We are happy to accept donations of new items, gift cards, and certificates for services (hotels, spa treatments, lessons, etc.) to provide as raffle and participant prizes during our Annual Ride and Stride Event held during the Horse Heritage Festival in October of each year. Unfortunately we are not yet equipped to take donations for automobiles, boats or horses (but we’d be more than happy to check around with our partners for you).
Donate via Paypal

Donate via Venmo
How Your Donations Help
HHC believes in full transparency in our spending and we are happy to share our progress with you.
Walnut Grove Horse Park
The bulk of the funding we receive goes directly into the Walnut Grove Horse Park. Over the years we have been the sole benefactor of this rare gem, providing arena footing, sprinklers and dragging implements, bleachers, and corrals and many, many evenings and weekends of our time, raising over $90,000 to support the horse park and surrounding areas.
Multi-use Trails
We’ve pitched in to help the City of San Marcos make much needed improvements to the trails system.
Temporary Displaced Horse Assistance
We ensure horses displaced by wildfire have hay to eat, water to drink, medical care and a safe place to stay until things settle down.
Sharing is Caring
When we can, we make contributions to like-minded organizations.
Donations also help cover a variety of annual fees and administrative costs, including 501(c)(3) filing fees, insurance, advertising, website management, copies and stamps (though we are always happy when someone is able to donate these items as well).